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Author:  4ukamcheateri [ 08.22.08 ]
Post subject:  Re: B3

I don't know, not that I don't want to cast votes, but maybe only the votemap should be enabled. Cuz a poweruser should not be able to votekick.
I don't want the wurst serwer to turn to some of the other server where all the stupid players cast votes for this and that ...
Think about it carefully, and if you want we can discuss it some more during Saturday this weekend.

Author:  wurst [ 08.22.08 ]
Post subject:  Re: B3

thing is the following:

all actions that u can perform in B3 are boud to a specific user level from 1-100.
by typing !register u get a basic userlevel. simply switching the level of some action down will enable registered user.
all is possible, theres maybe some things that make sense. whatever, kickvote is maybe too much, who knows.

i think its allways good to give them a bit more rights then needed. the effect is astonishing but will work generally with allmost every human: they start to feel responsible and thats the best of all possible situations.
i mean u cant force anyone to join weaker team in the end. and its this things that make the game really good in the end.

heres little list of what we could allow:

1.) list of B3 itself:
1. Command Reference
6. Admin Plugin
1. !register
2. !register
3. !help [<command| * Level>]
4. !regtest
5. !time
6. !maps
7. !nextmap
8. !seen <name>
9. !admins
10. !b3
11. !greeting [<greeting>]
12. !list
13. !say
14. !spam <name> <message>
15. !spams
16. !warn <name> [<warning>]
17. !warninfo <name>
18. !warnremove <name>
19. !warns
20. !warntest <warning>
21. !admintest
22. !aliases <name>
23. !baninfo <name>
24. !find <name>
25. !kick <name> [<reason>]
26. !leveltest [<name>]
27. !scream <message>
28. !tempban <name> <duration> [<reason>]
29. !ban <name> [<reason>]
30. !permban <name> [<reason>]
31. !spank <name> [<reason>]
32. !unban <name>
33. !clear [<player>]
34. !lookup <name>
35. !makereg <name>
36. !map <map>
37. !restart
38. !warnclear <name>
39. !clientinfo <name> <field>
40. !cmdlevel <command> <level>
41. !delgroup <group>
42. !editgroup <group> <-n|-k|-l> <value>
43. !groups <name>
44. !newgroup <keyword> <level> <name>
45. !pause <duration>
46. !putgroup <client> <group>
47. !rebuild
48. !ungroup <client> <group>
49. !die
50. !disable <plugin>
51. !enable <plugin>
52. !reconfig
7. Stats Plugin
1. !mapstats [<name>]
2. !testscore <name>
8. Team Damage Plugin
1. !forgive
2. !forgive [<name>]
3. !forgiveall
4. !forgiveprev
5. !forgivelist
6. !grudge [<name>]
7. !forgiveinfo <name>
8. !forgiveclear
9. !forgiveclear <name>

2.) List of URT PowerAdmin

20 !pamute (!mute) [<seconds>] - mute a player
21 !panuke (!nuke) <name/id> [<amount>] - nuke a player (a number of times)
22 !paslap (!slap) <name/id> [<amount>] - slap a player (a number of times)
23 !paveto (!veto) - veto the current running vote
24 !pabigtext (!bigtext) - display a bigtext message center screen
25 !pashuffleteams (!shuffleteams) - shuffle the teams

27 !paforce (!force) <blue/red/s> - force a player to a team
29 !pamaprestart (!maprestart) - restart current map
30 !pamapreload (!mapreload) - reload current map
31 !pacyclemap (!cyclemap) - start next map in rotation
32 !papause - pause the current game
33 !paset - set a server cvar
34 !paget - display a server cvar
35 !paexec <configfile.cfg> - execute a server configfile
36 !pateams (!teams) - activate teambalancer (read below)
37 !pavote <on/off/reset> - Switch voting. It remembers your voting settings!
39 !pamoon (!moon) - Activate Moon Mode... low gravity
40 !papublic (!public) - Make the server public, or private!
41 !pamatch (!match) - Switch to MatchMode
42 !pagear (!gear) - <all/none/reset/[+-](nade|snipe|spas|pistol|auto|negev)> - Set allowed weapons.
44 !paffa (!ffa) - switch to gametype: Free For All
45 !patdm (!tdm) - switch to gametype: Team Death Match
46 !pats (!ts) - switch to gametype: Team Survivor
47 !paftl (!ftl) - switch to gametype: Follow The Leader
48 !pacah (!cah) - switch to gametype: Capture And Hold
49 !pactf (!ctf) - switch to gametype: Capture The Flag
50 !pabomb (!bomb) - switch to gametype: BombMode
52 !paident (!id) <name/id> - prints a players B3-id, Guid and IP to screen for demo purposes
53 !paversion (!paver) - spits out the version of PowerAdminUrt

Author:  4ukamcheateri [ 08.23.08 ]
Post subject:  Re: B3

yeah great :D tnx alot man,
i have a question: How can I record a video in the UrT, cuz last nite when I played I saw some cheaters and I wanted to record a video and then post it here in the forum but I don't know how to do that. :))

And again tnx for the cmds i will use them carefully :)

Author:  GhostSoul [ 08.23.08 ]
Post subject:  Re: B3

/record "cheater"


(in console)

greetz ;)

Author:  4ukamcheateri [ 08.24.08 ]
Post subject:  Re: B3

helpful, tnx alot ;)

Author:  SteveMcqueen [ 11.10.08 ]
Post subject:  Re: B3

try /recorddemo ... and /stoprecord afterwards

Author:  Unclefragger [ 11.12.08 ]
Post subject:  Re: B3

I checked it earlier today and !admins can't be used by registered users.
Maybe thats blocked per default so cheaters don't check in advance if an admin is online but I still think that this would be a useful command to all of us.

Author:  GhostSoul [ 11.14.08 ]
Post subject:  Re: B3

wursti, the damned b3 is down since 2 days... can u handle it pls?

thx and greetz carlitos

Author:  wurst [ 11.17.08 ]
Post subject:  Re: B3

hmhm :mrgreen:

Author:  AimMe [ 11.18.08 ]
Post subject:  Re: B3

Why we don't have permission to use !die??? I hate when i stuck on stairs, and i have to explode.

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