
multiboot system + Urban Terror
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Author:  dmmh [ 02.13.12 ]
Post subject:  multiboot system + Urban Terror

Hello peeps,

long time since I've been here, I haven't had internet for a long, long time.
Also, life sucked, so I had different priorities.

But now, I am here (hopefully to stay) and since I have internet again, I decided to make a tripleboot.
So I installed:
WIndows 7
Mac OSx Lion
Kubuntu 11

The triple boot is working, but I have a few problems.


One of my problems is that Kubuntu can not access my HFS+ drives. I'm a total Linux noob, but as far as I can tell from tutorials and all, Ubuntu has default read access to HFS+ drives. To enable write access, I must disable journalsing on the HFS+ drives, but it should have read access by default. But it doesn't; I just can't access the drives.

This is important to get working, because I want to keep my files away from the partitions with different operating systems.
I've had a setup like this for years now, with my documents on a different physical drive then the OS, so I really need it.

This also brings me to my other problem:
Windows 7 and OSx behave quite differently when it comes to user profiles/ user game settings.
On Windows everything is in the same folder, but on OSx, the user's files are in a different location then the UrT program files.
And I'm pretty sure Linux acts a whole different way on it's own.

When I prepared my multiboot, I backed up my UrT configs etc from OSx (I use(d) OSx as my main OS) and threw them in the folder containing the executables.

So, I am basically asking anyone who has experience with a multiboot installation for helping enabling me to use ONE UrT folder on all 3 OS's!

Now I have the following problems, if anyone can help, I would be very happy!
- problem 1: B3 now doesn't recognize me anymore, since I merged the game files (no more admin rights), how to fix this?
- problem 2: how can I prevent this from happening again when I keep switching OS's?
- problem 3: how can I get read access to HFS+ drives in Ubuntu?
- problem 4: any tips to get write access to HFS+ drives from Ubuntu any other way then via disabling journaling? (my Lion install will not work because I have a really bad, old, slow graphics card (Radeon HD 2600XT), and Snow Leopard and Lion lack driver support for this card, so I'm gonna by a new card in a few weeks, so for now I can not access the OS).

thanks guys (and girls) :)

PS: if you can't help, but know someone who maybe could, please point me to them or point them to this thread! :)

Author:  havoc [ 02.13.12 ]
Post subject:  Re: multiboot system + Urban Terror

delete osx and windows, that will solve most of your problems

if you dont want to do that, apt-cache search hfsplus

then just mount/share/whatever stuff
you can also copy your qkey around

Author:  natirips [ 02.13.12 ]
Post subject:  Re: multiboot system + Urban Terror

Some help for linux.

Once you have read access to your UrT directory/folder/whatever-you-call-it, on linux you can do the following to use the shared q3config.cfg, qkey, downloaded maps and other stuff:

Option 1: Desktop "shortcut" to UrT
Make a new empty file on your desktop and put the following contents into it:
/path/to/your/UrT/ioUrbanTerror.x86_64 +set fs_homepath /path/to/directory/containg/your/q3qey/

Now right-click the file then click properties (or whatever it's called in KDE) and make it executable.
You path is likely to be something like /media/hard-drive-name/your-games-folder/your-UrT-folder/.

Also, change the .x86_64 to .i386 if you're on 32-bits.

Option 2: If you prefer to lunch UrT from terminal:
In your home folder make a directory and name it "bin" (without the quotes). It may already exist, in which case you need not make it :]. Inside "bin" folder make the same file as above and also make it executable.

I use Option 2, but both can be used at the same time. Anyway, my file is called "urt" and then I just type "urt" at the terminal and UrT is running.

In my case the file looks like this:
/home/natirips/bin/urt wrote:
xgamma -gamma 2
mv ~/.asoundrc ~/.asoundrc-urtt
/razno/igre/UrbanTerror/ioUrbanTerror.x86_64 +set fs_homepath ~/.urt +set ttycon 0 $* &> /dev/null
xgamma -gamma 1
mv ~/.asoundrc-urtt ~/.asoundrc
Ignore how I set gamma and mess with some sound settings and so on, look at the bolded part. I actually use this to divide my playing UrT apart from my mapping UrT installation and set some other stuff.

You may want to copy the two gamma lines too if you prefer to play in a window rather than fullscreen.

Also, ~/.urt is shorthand for /home/natirips/.urt . ~/.urt is the directory/folder where my q3key resides.

Author:  havoc [ 02.13.12 ]
Post subject:  Re: multiboot system + Urban Terror

you can actually give the command line options for urt in any os (i think)

Author:  natirips [ 02.13.12 ]
Post subject:  Re: multiboot system + Urban Terror

havoc wrote:
you can actually give the command line options for urt in any os (i think)

But I'm not familiar with Mac and I don't think he'll use .bat files on Windows (besides, is there any way to access HFS+ from Windoze?).

Edit: Unless they removed it in Vista/7 you can use those parameters with a Windows Shortcut TM (R) Copyright (C) xxxx M$ (R) Corp. (R) TM something.

Anyway, right-click a shortcut and click Properties (or at least that's how it was on 9x/xp) and somewhere there should be the command line. Also remeber that path is now X:\using\backslash\so\don't\just\copy\paste.

Author:  dmmh [ 02.13.12 ]
Post subject:  Re: multiboot system + Urban Terror

thanks for the tips dudes!

yes, there's a way to access HFS+ via Windows, works perfect.

not quite ready on giving up on both other OS's.
Right now it seems I broke the Chameleon (OSx) bootloader with gtpsync from Ubuntu, so it boots straight into Windows, without letting me chose the other 2 OS's.
I like having this for now, so I always have at least one working OS, from which I can download and burn things, until I decide to what OS to switch :)

Author:  dmmh [ 02.13.12 ]
Post subject:  Re: multiboot system + Urban Terror

havoc wrote:
delete osx and windows, that will solve most of your problems

if you dont want to do that, apt-cache search hfsplus

then just mount/share/whatever stuff
you can also copy your qkey around

yes, but I'd like one folder with one config, if that's possible :)
So when I change things, it changes on all OS's :)

Author:  Samtron [ 02.13.12 ]
Post subject:  Re: multiboot system + Urban Terror

By the way, it's nice to have you back!
I can't help with multiboot, whenever I had something similar I broke it after the first OS update.

Watch this vid @ Youtube (new Window)

Author:  AimMe [ 02.13.12 ]
Post subject:  Re: multiboot system + Urban Terror

Hmm i have Windows 7/Mint Debian, but i don't have problems with "sharing" game configs. 90% games are on Windows, 10% (Including UrT) on Linux. Moreover, you should be aware that you won't be able to change/read (normaly) linux made *.cgfs on windows, as there is that infamus new line difference. So i suggest you to put (and play) one game on one OS. And yeah, to me Linux and Windows see extra keys (mouse buttons) differently, so what is drop weapon on Linux was walk on Windows...

About other files, i'm good as Linux can read/write everything, Windows see only their own part. I have 100+350GB for linux and 50+250GB for windows. With first (100 and 50) for system and second (350 and 250) for media. On windows mostly games, on linux other things. Only possible problem is that i have quite a lot of same files on two places (on 250 and 350GB partitions...).

And about onw folder, maybe it would be possible to say to linux and macos to store confg in windows config. I mean on linux your config is probably in /home/name/.q3a/, if you could change it to X:\urt\ they would use same config. Maybe macos can do something similar.

Author:  dmmh [ 02.14.12 ]
Post subject:  Re: multiboot system + Urban Terror

ah shit yes, forgot about the difference in newlines.
Maybe I'll write a script for that then :)

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