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mapcycle suggestions AND map suggestions http://www.dswp.de/old/forum-gameserver-support/mapcycle-suggestions-and-map-suggestions-t7507.html |
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Author: | zietsh [ 11.11.14 ] |
Post subject: | mapcycle suggestions AND map suggestions |
Please give us your suggestions for maps on the server and in the mapcycles. Please provide (a) screenshot(s) and/or a description why you want the map. These are the current mapcycles: /connect dswp.de:22227 TDM Big mapcycle: ut4_abbey ut4_casa ut4_sanc ut4_uptown ut4_algiers ut4_terrorism5 ut4_kingdom ut4_ambush ut4_mandolin ut4_suburbs ut4_ramelle ut4_riyadh ut4_tunis ut4_train_dl1 small mapcycle: ut4_austria ut4_dust2_v2 ut4_tohunga_b10 ut4_turnpike ut4_nam ut4_abbey ut4_terrorism3 ut4_algiers ut4_blitzkrieg2 ut4_uptown ut4_riyadh /connect dswp.de:22223 BOMB ut4_orbital_sl ut4_prague ut4_mandolin ut4_sanc ut4_casa ut4_domking_rc1 ut4_algiers ut4_subterra ut4_abbey ut4_turnpike ut4_uptown ut4_elign ut4_paris_v2 ut4_swim ut4_docks ut4_thingley /connect dswp.de:22226 MULTI ut4_kingdom ut4_docks ut4_turnpike ut4_subterra ut4_casa ut4_abbey ut4_uptown ut4_algiers ut4_kingpin ut4_elgin ut4_swim ut4_riyadh ut4_ambush ut4_suburbs ut4_tunis ut4_thingley ut4_sanc ut4_dust2_v2 /connect dswp.de:22225 FREEZE ut4_dust2_v2 ut4_kingpin ut4_sanc ut4_casa ut4_turnpike ut4_austria ut4_orbital /connect dswp.de:22224 JUMP ut4_bstjumps_b4 ut4_happyjumptutorial_beta3 ut4_jupiter ut4_basicjumps ut4_bounce_beta_4 ut4_darkjumps_b5 ut4_equilibrium_b1 ut4_vertigo ut4_saturn_beta2 |
Author: | hastAS [ 11.12.14 ] |
Post subject: | Re: mapcycle suggestions AND map suggestions |
huhu well iam just interessted in ts, ctf or bomb gamemodes as caotic tdm style doesn´t sattisfie my specific urt needs at all. as good public urt servers grow thin i would love to see your bomb server rising to a stable player count in the afternoons. i think it would help to cut the mapcycle short o maybe the so called great five + a few extra. maps that every urt player knows and loves. now i played a lot of ts and a bit of ctf back in the days so iam not a 100% sure what the great five would be for bomb but i just gone dish out my top urt bomb maps. so... ut4_sanc ut4_abbey ut4_orbital_sl ut4_prague (maybe even the new one) ut4_uptown ut4_algiers are solid bomb classics. i dont like casa bomb to much as bomb sides are to far or maybe the bombtimer to short and i just cant see anymore tp grey and also never found that a good map to play bomb on. also overplayed is ut4_dust2 but i would put it in the cycle because its just a really really good bomb map and urt lacks these since most maps are intended for other gamemodes. so yes i would keep it short and classic like this maybe at one "monthly special" or something as i was surprissed how well docks played out in bomb today ... oh and i would love see the auth system forced on cool servers. keep the blink alive! |
Author: | zietsh [ 11.12.14 ] |
Post subject: | Re: mapcycle suggestions AND map suggestions |
I understand the motivation for a small cycle. We did start with a small one. And made it bigger step by step. I have cut down on the cycle again, removing 2 custom maps. ut4_nepal and ut4_sliema (I have heard people disliking this a lot - although I do not know why). If we do get more complains about the cycle being too big. We will do something about it. But looking at the server the past week this cycle filled all slots successfully almost every day. Looking at the statistics I suggest you join the server from 16:00-17:00 on, after that the player numbers tend to rise quickly. If you don't want to wait for players look at the server after 18:00 it has been full at that point most of the time the past week. Generally: More often as you play player numbers rise, we would be very glad if we see you here often. (Mby "vote" your preferred mapcycle, we will never veto a vote except when a other vote just went through successfully, if this does happen tell the mods/admins that you feel he is not doing his job good - always report misbehaving mods/admins ) We will work on a map voting system for the bomb server. It is on our ToDo-list. This will compile a 5-10 map cycle every week. (Maybe having a "weekly" special) in my mind this would work by giving a F1 and F2 vote. The cycle will always be the top maps. We had something similar to that working once for TDM: http://www.dswp.de/old/map_voting.php. We would have to get this up to date for bomb as well. dust2 is on the server and can be voted anytime. But as there is a quite active dust2 only server we did not want to play the same map too often. Don't take what I just said as a "NO". Your voice has been heard . We will look into it when more feel the same way. To others: Please tell us when you feel the same way, as that is the way to change it. |
Author: | RunTMC [ 11.12.14 ] |
Post subject: | Re: mapcycle suggestions AND map suggestions |
Hi, I think, that Blitzkrieg2 on the small-cycle for TDM seems a little too big. Maybe we should use Blitzkrieg instead. As i can remember, many People like Terrorism7. So i suggest this map vor big-cycle on TDM. And i strongly recommend Crossing for this cycle. In my opinion its an all-time classic! |
Author: | zietsh [ 11.13.14 ] |
Post subject: | Re: mapcycle suggestions AND map suggestions |
@booker I totally forgot. but I will take a look into the map tomorrow/today if I remember |
Author: | booker [ 11.13.14 ] |
Post subject: | Re: mapcycle suggestions AND map suggestions |
Oh, no problem. Anyway i proposed this map as suggestion, not as a wish |
Author: | Crusher [ 11.13.14 ] |
Post subject: | Re: mapcycle suggestions AND map suggestions |
Not sure if it was Pandora, but playing on 4.1 this map had some problems... can't remember them now... For me and because the server is far from 45 players online mayhem times, I suggest not to use "big" maps. People get bored quickly if they dont frag fast Some examples of big maps afaik: area3_b4, ricochet, parisv2, subterra, blitzkrieg2, ambush... |
Author: | hastAS [ 11.21.14 ] |
Post subject: | Re: mapcycle suggestions AND map suggestions |
hm ok if the server gets full with a big map cycle then iam totally prefer some veriety. even i might end up serching bomb sites as my team facepalms in spec . really i got no problem with a big map cycle i only feared it might drive away players as they only like tp and dust2 these days. that being said i also get why you dont wont dust2 in the cycle. its so overplayed but i have to admit that its just a real good bomb map like casa for ts or abbey for ctf just fits the mode so good. yeh active bomb server sounds like a dream these days. generally i tend to play at night 19-open end. think my aim just kicks in after sunset... . so one last suggestion is to stick to maps that fz delivers with urt as they are pass some qa standards. so i guess we see ech other trying to blow somethin up !!! |
Author: | bagheera [ 01.27.15 ] |
Post subject: | Re: mapcycle suggestions AND map suggestions |
I'd like to know whats the current bomb server mapcycle? Thanks in advance. |
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