As a wurst addicted I join a lot the server, but I especially watch 2 criteria : people online and map currently played. I have a server browser but it's quite boring to refresh and read a 45 players list... So I've coded a toolbar for firefox to make the things easier : after you log in, the toolbar gets online people, current and nextmap, and displays a popup showing people who join and left. Actually the popup show "friends" : I don't know if you ever noticed that you can make everyone your friend on the forum by clicking on the "add friend" link on user's profile page. By using the B3 account plugin I match online people <-> friend you have on the forum.
Here are some screenshots :
- first step, login
dswpbar_login.gif [ 4.74 KiB | Viewed 95821 times ]
- bar loaded
dswpbar_loaded.gif [ 5.61 KiB | Viewed 88166 times ]
- online players list : friends in bold font, forum name between () if any
dswpbar_playersmenu.gif [ 3.01 KiB | Viewed 95815 times ]
- popup when friends join or leave the server (like msn or quakelive)
dswpbar_friendspopup.gif [ 1.28 KiB | Viewed 95813 times ]
There could be many more features :
- connect button
- multi servers support (at least the bomb)
- PM received
- list of online people on mumble
- text field to search for people
- your own stats displayed somewhere
- broadcast messages in the popup from ingame command
- admin-only features...
Now if you want to try it :
/! Warning : it's a pre-alpha version, use it at your own risks !!! It *may* crash your firefox session (didn't happen until now), I would even recommend you to install it on a different profile (firefox -ProfileManager in command-line).
The bar is for Firefox version 3.*Tested and works fine on :
- Firefox (Iceweasel) 3.0.12 on Linux
- Firefox 3.5.3 on MacOS Leopard
Hint : best use with Samtron's persona, at least when I fix the text color :p (
Download is here :
dswp_tools/svarox/dswpbar/dswpbar.xpiIf you dare test the bar, please report

"We are talking about computers here, compared to those I can read women like a book ;P"