hey hi, unclefragger installed another voice server. Murmur.
Login (again same like in Teamspeak) with
UR Username and
UR Password from Forums.
Server Adress is
dswp.de Port
64738Check out the client at
sourceforgeTo avoid missunderstandings: Mumble is the client, Murmur is the Server
Allthough the prog is very new, it has quite a respectable list of features.
Best of them (in my opinion) is the
in-game display of ur channel.
Speaking Players will be displayed in another color, so u can have a quick look who says what.
Size, color and Position are variable, its a default feature of the client.
mumble_ingame.jpg [ 15.34 KiB | Viewed 13881 times ]
Another nice thing is the
better Sound Quality.Specially the Voice Activation has some Enhancement, compared to Teamspeak.
Very important
!!!RUN THE FUCKING VOICE WIZZARD!!!More info on how set audio is here:
viewtopic.php?f=6&t=294#p1997What makes it unique and great for us: it has now the capability to be administrated remotely.
And we have a brandnew mechanism:
switch the user in the right channel, according to the team he plays in.
U dont have to care for talking to the enemy, the machine guards ure in the right channel.
Btw: it works in real time.
For everything we needed to connect the forums, the B3 Bot and the murmur.
the following image show the dependencies in a simplified way:
Last at not least its
open source, thx the community.
Theres the a client for ALL Operating systems that URT support.
We can use Teamspeak free too, since were not professional. But this feels so much better