I have these specifically-looking lags sometimes when I play, sometimes not. Anyone know what they are?
shot0172.jpg [ 9.04 KiB | Viewed 4926 times ]
shot0173.jpg [ 9.33 KiB | Viewed 4926 times ]
These are about half of them from a single round (click to see the whole thing)
lags.jpg [ 476.68 KiB | Viewed 5601 times ]
(I could not catch all of them because sometimes I was in the heat of the battle).
P.S.: Some of my imagemagick notes:
# 'widthxheight!+left+top'
for a in *g; do convert -crop '106x100!+1232+302' "$a" "$a"; done
for a in *g; do convert -crop '133x37!+1189+118' "$a" "$a"; done
for a in ../lagometer/*g; do convert -background "#000000" -append ../timestamps/`basename "$a"` ../lagometer/`basename "$a"` `basename "$a"`; done