091204 17:14:06 BOT Starting Iourt41Parser server for
091204 17:14:06 BOT --------------------------------------------
091204 17:14:06 BOT Attempting to connect to database mysql://xenix:******
091204 17:14:06 BOT Connected to database
091204 17:14:06 BOT Game log /gameserver/servers/10681/.q3a/q3ut4/games.log
091204 17:14:06 BOT Starting bot reading file /gameserver/servers/10681/.q3a/q3ut4/games.log
091204 17:14:06 BOT Loading Plugin #1 censor [/gameserver/servers/10681/urbanterror/b3/conf/plugin_censor.xml]
091204 17:14:06 BOT CensorPlugin: Loading config /gameserver/servers/10681/urbanterror/b3/conf/plugin_censor.xml for CensorPlugin
091204 17:14:06 DEBUG Register Event: Stop Process: CensorPlugin
091204 17:14:06 DEBUG Register Event: Program Exit: CensorPlugin
091204 17:14:06 BOT Plugin censor (2.1.0 - ThorN) loaded
091204 17:14:06 BOT Loading Plugin #2 spamcontrol [/gameserver/servers/10681/urbanterror/b3/conf/plugin_spamcontrol.xml]
091204 17:14:06 BOT SpamcontrolPlugin: Loading config /gameserver/servers/10681/urbanterror/b3/conf/plugin_spamcontrol.xml for SpamcontrolPlugin
091204 17:14:06 DEBUG Register Event: Stop Process: SpamcontrolPlugin
091204 17:14:06 DEBUG Register Event: Program Exit: SpamcontrolPlugin
091204 17:14:06 BOT Plugin spamcontrol (1.1.2 - ThorN) loaded
091204 17:14:06 BOT Loading Plugin #3 admin [/gameserver/servers/10681/urbanterror/b3/conf/plugin_admin.xml]
091204 17:14:06 BOT AdminPlugin: Loading config /gameserver/servers/10681/urbanterror/b3/conf/plugin_admin.xml for AdminPlugin
091204 17:14:06 DEBUG Register Event: Stop Process: AdminPlugin
091204 17:14:06 DEBUG Register Event: Program Exit: AdminPlugin
091204 17:14:06 BOT Plugin admin (1.3.4b0 - ThorN) loaded
091204 17:14:06 BOT Loading Plugin #4 tk [/gameserver/servers/10681/urbanterror/b3/conf/plugin_tk.xml]
091204 17:14:06 BOT TkPlugin: Loading config /gameserver/servers/10681/urbanterror/b3/conf/plugin_tk.xml for TkPlugin
091204 17:14:06 DEBUG TkPlugin: tk max level is 40
091204 17:14:06 DEBUG Register Event: Stop Process: TkPlugin
091204 17:14:06 DEBUG Register Event: Program Exit: TkPlugin
091204 17:14:06 BOT Plugin tk (1.1.6b0 - ThorN) loaded
091204 17:14:06 BOT Loading Plugin #6 pingwatch [/gameserver/servers/10681/urbanterror/b3/conf/plugin_pingwatch.xml]
091204 17:14:06 BOT PingwatchPlugin: Loading config /gameserver/servers/10681/urbanterror/b3/conf/plugin_pingwatch.xml for PingwatchPlugin
091204 17:14:06 VERBOSE Added crontab <bound method PingwatchPlugin.check of <b3.plugins.pingwatch.PingwatchPlugin instance at 0x86cdfcc>> (141427820) - [0, 30]s -1m -1h -1d -1M -1DOW
091204 17:14:06 DEBUG Register Event: Stop Process: PingwatchPlugin
091204 17:14:06 DEBUG Register Event: Program Exit: PingwatchPlugin
091204 17:14:06 BOT Plugin pingwatch (1.1.4 - ThorN) loaded
091204 17:14:06 BOT Loading Plugin #7 adv [/gameserver/servers/10681/urbanterror/b3/conf/plugin_adv.xml]
091204 17:14:06 BOT AdvPlugin: Loading config /gameserver/servers/10681/urbanterror/b3/conf/plugin_adv.xml for AdvPlugin
091204 17:14:06 VERBOSE Added crontab <bound method AdvPlugin.adv of <b3.plugins.adv.AdvPlugin instance at 0x86e084c>> (141451436) - 0s [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58]m -1h -1d -1M -1DOW
091204 17:14:06 DEBUG Register Event: Stop Process: AdvPlugin
091204 17:14:06 DEBUG Register Event: Program Exit: AdvPlugin
091204 17:14:06 BOT Plugin adv (1.1.2 - ThorN) loaded
091204 17:14:06 BOT Loading Plugin #8 status [/gameserver/servers/10681/urbanterror/b3/conf/plugin_status.xml]
091204 17:14:06 BOT StatusPlugin: Loading config /gameserver/servers/10681/urbanterror/b3/conf/plugin_status.xml for StatusPlugin
091204 17:14:06 VERBOSE Added crontab <bound method StatusPlugin.update of <b3.plugins.status.StatusPlugin instance at 0x86e6b2c>> (140282732) - [0]s -1m -1h -1d -1M -1DOW
091204 17:14:06 DEBUG Register Event: Stop Process: StatusPlugin
091204 17:14:06 DEBUG Register Event: Program Exit: StatusPlugin
091204 17:14:06 BOT Plugin status (1.2.5 - ThorN) loaded
091204 17:14:06 BOT Loading Plugin #9 welcome [/gameserver/servers/10681/urbanterror/b3/conf/plugin_welcome.xml]
091204 17:14:06 BOT WelcomePlugin: Loading config /gameserver/servers/10681/urbanterror/b3/conf/plugin_welcome.xml for WelcomePlugin
091204 17:14:06 DEBUG Register Event: Stop Process: WelcomePlugin
091204 17:14:06 DEBUG Register Event: Program Exit: WelcomePlugin
091204 17:14:06 BOT Plugin welcome (1.0.2 - ThorN) loaded
091204 17:14:06 BOT Loading Plugin #10 punkbuster [/gameserver/servers/10681/urbanterror/b3/conf/plugin_punkbuster.xml]
091204 17:14:06 BOT PunkbusterPlugin: Loading config /gameserver/servers/10681/urbanterror/b3/conf/plugin_punkbuster.xml for PunkbusterPlugin
091204 17:14:06 VERBOSE Added crontab <bound method PunkbusterPlugin.rebuildBans of <b3.plugins.punkbuster.PunkbusterPlugin instance at 0x85cf62c>> (140310284) - 0s 0m 0h -1d -1M -1DOW
091204 17:14:06 DEBUG Register Event: Stop Process: PunkbusterPlugin
091204 17:14:06 DEBUG Register Event: Program Exit: PunkbusterPlugin
091204 17:14:06 BOT Plugin punkbuster (1.0.8 - ThorN) loaded
091204 17:14:06 VERBOSE RCON sending ( say ^0(^2b3^0)^7: ^ ^0(^8b3^0) ^9v<unknown> [posix] ^9(^3Elasmotherium^9)^3 ^2[ONLINE]
091204 17:14:06 ERROR RCON: ERROR reading: (111, 'Connection refused')
091204 17:14:06 VERBOSE 0 cid changed from None to -1
091204 17:14:06 DEBUG Client Connected: [-1] World - WORLD ({})
091204 17:14:06 DEBUG Storage: getClient <b3.clients.Client object at 0x83fc68c>
091204 17:14:06 DEBUG User not found WORLD: 'No client matching guid WORLD'
091204 17:14:06 BOT Client not found in the storage WORLD, create new
091204 17:14:06 DEBUG Storage: setClient <b3.clients.Client object at 0x83fc68c>
091204 17:14:06 DEBUG Storage: setClient data {'time_add': 1259943246, 'time_edit': 1259943246, 'name': 'World', 'group_bits': 0, 'ip': '', 'greeting': '', 'auto_login': 1, 'connections': 1, 'mask_level': 0, 'guid': 'WORLD', 'pbid': 'WORLD'}
091204 17:14:06 DEBUG Client Authorized: [-1] World - WORLD
091204 17:14:06 VERBOSE RCON: retry sending say ^0(^2b3^0)^7: ^ ^0(^8b3^0) ^9v<unknown> [posix] ^9(^3Elasmotherium^9)^3 ^2[ONLINE]...
091204 17:14:06 ERROR RCON: ERROR reading: (111, 'Connection refused')
091204 17:14:06 DEBUG RCON: Did not send any data
091204 17:14:06 VERBOSE RCON sending ( status
091204 17:14:06 ERROR RCON: ERROR reading: (111, 'Connection refused')
091204 17:14:06 VERBOSE RCON: retry sending status...
091204 17:14:06 ERROR RCON: ERROR reading: (111, 'Connection refused')
091204 17:14:06 DEBUG RCON: Did not send any data
091204 17:14:06 VERBOSE RCON sending ( fs_game
091204 17:14:06 ERROR RCON: ERROR reading: (111, 'Connection refused')
091204 17:14:06 VERBOSE RCON: retry sending fs_game...
091204 17:14:06 ERROR RCON: ERROR reading: (111, 'Connection refused')
091204 17:14:06 DEBUG RCON: Did not send any data
091204 17:14:06 DEBUG Get cvar fs_game = []
091204 17:14:06 INFO STDOUT Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'getString'
File "/gameserver/servers/10681/urbanterror/b3/", line 87, in start
File "/gameserver/servers/10681/urbanterror/b3/", line 199, in start
File "/gameserver/servers/10681/urbanterror/b3/", line 254, in onStartup
File "/gameserver/servers/10681/urbanterror/b3/parsers/", line 195, in startup = self.getCvar('fs_game').getString()
091204 17:14:06 INFO STDOUT
091204 17:14:06 BOT Shutting down...
091204 17:14:06 VERBOSE AdvPlugin: Warning: No handle func for AdvPlugin
091204 17:14:06 VERBOSE PunkbusterPlugin: Warning: No handle func for PunkbusterPlugin
091204 17:14:06 BOT Shutting down database connections...
Any ideas?
thanks for every answer
danke für jede hilfe