dswp-ctf-serwer.png [ 20.99 KiB | Viewed 10114 times ]
Ladies and gentlemen, for several months now I’ve been kicking around the idea of converting the mostly-useless TS server to CTF. With the eventual goal of making this permanent, that is.
TDM that I’ve been playing for two years is…
aimless. In fact, when I started, I planned to figure out the shooting and not dying part in TDM and then move on to CTF… but by the time I would’ve done this I was already in love with DSWP and didn’t want to leave you for somewhere else

. However, I’ve been watching Urban Zone CTF demos lately and feeling craving for something
more — it’s not quite strong enough to consider competitive play though:-P
I’d suggest 12 public slots (can’t have too many or it will turn into TDM, especially with camping nublets), 10–12 minute rounds, 10 second waves (shorter than on the “srs bsns” UZ CTF, longer than on DSWP TDM), and perhaps 6–8 cap roundlimit(?) — anyone more familiar with pub CTF might provide better values. Friendly fire on of course, with standard autokick behavior — although “medical” TKing on a pub server is a
big can of worms I don’t really know how to handle. Spam console messages telling that only TKing those opting in (wearing a special tag, like TKme?) is fine? Dunno. Allowing spawnkilling or not is another issue — it’d probably be best to disallow this, and perhaps selectively ignore spawnkillers whenever the skill level is high enough:-P
I can take on the initial seeding, staying on the server and waiting for players to join — mind you, this wouldn’t require me to dedicate all my waking hours to staring at UrT, I added a tiny function to aimlessbot that would check for people joining and alert me on my super secret IRC channel.
Everyone interested in playing DSWP-native CTF, chime in, your voice counts. I know for a fact that CMM|JohnnyEnglish aka neep! would be happy to play on this server:-P