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PostPosted: 12.18.12 
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Joined: 05.15.10
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CTF in dswp is really nice idea.
It will attract more people to play on dswp and i will be happy too :).


PostPosted: 12.19.12 
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nick: [dswp]GewitterOma
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oki set the 22225 to ctf? :D



PostPosted: 12.20.12 
DSWP Meme Artist
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Issues with the server settings so far:

  • OMFGWTFSADPUPPYEYEZ cyclemap vote is not allowed!
  • Commands lack short aliases, e.g. you have to use !pasetnextmap instead of !snmap — particularly important would be having !fp
  • Some commands are still out of sync on different servers: for example, lvl40 can't slap or mute on CTF and jump... although on CTF, I can set waves, limits, respawnprotection and gravity! Additionally, there doesn’t seem to be !(pa)veto, only !annule; and I can’t !reveal
  • Possible problem with the map list: console_tell: ^0(^2b3^0)^7: ^3[pm]^7 ^7Error: could not get map list (although after manually setting one the command does work)

Путін — хуйло

Beginner’s Guide to Urban Terror (woefully out of date)

Daily Deadnade (last updated September 9, 2016)


PostPosted: 12.21.12 
DSWP Meme Artist
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nick: WidespreadPanic
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nick: SelfRescuingPrincess
skill: 254.796
kills: 219
deaths: 202
ratio: 1.08
And yes, I’m going to sit on the server all day long until either the server takes off, or the futility of this attempt becomes obvious. Preferrably the former. Played about two dozen rounds today, most of them 1vs1 though.

I remind you, the [dswp] ctf serwer is located at — since it has only been online in this configuration for a bit more than a day, you’d need to click “Get new list” to see it in the UrT server browser.

Some screenies:-P (Yes, very low config — I tried to get better performance with 30+ players. Didn’t help, I’m going to switch back.)

shot0088.jpg [ 201.49 KiB | Viewed 9140 times ]
shot0090.jpg [ 272.78 KiB | Viewed 9140 times ]
shot0080.jpg [ 186.74 KiB | Viewed 9140 times ]
shot0084.jpg [ 277.07 KiB | Viewed 9140 times ]

Путін — хуйло

Beginner’s Guide to Urban Terror (woefully out of date)

Daily Deadnade (last updated September 9, 2016)

PostPosted: 12.22.12 
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Just wanted to say that it was a really great ideea :D Kudos!
Also ***THE WORLD DIDN'T END!!!11one***


PostPosted: 12.22.12 
DSWP Meme Artist
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nick: SelfRescuingPrincess
skill: 254.796
kills: 219
deaths: 202
ratio: 1.08
Some statistics: the server was active for about 7.5 hours straight today. Most of the time there were more than 2 people present, usually varying from 5 to 8, maximum being 10. Other than Zottel complaining that “respawntime is to long”, 10-second wave seems to work perfectly. Oh, and I completely disabled respawnprotection — on many maps the flag is sufficiently close to the spawns that an invulnerable player can affect the events. This was especially noticable on Tohunga_b10, where spawns are open.

Played mostly familiar maps to avoid potentially scaring people away — Abbey, Turnpike, Casa, Algiers, Uptown, Prague… Some surprises: Kingdom is very playable with 6–10 people, Tohunga_b10 plays quite differently from b9, and — although this isn’t surprising per se — Beijing is awesome in CTF.

Thanks to Draik, Natirips, AimMe, TheAdi, Pingo, harryBallz, Zottel and Crusher for helping to populate the server. Your corpses will be the fertilizer for a better tomorrow.

As a side note, there were full two other Estonians playing:-P (BTW, orbit, Alecoq was you?)

Путін — хуйло

Beginner’s Guide to Urban Terror (woefully out of date)

Daily Deadnade (last updated September 9, 2016)


PostPosted: 12.22.12 
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JRandomNoob wrote:
As a side note, there were full two other Estonians playing:-P (BTW, orbit, Alecoq was you?)

Yep. :)


PostPosted: 12.22.12 
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JRandomNoob wrote:
Other than Zottel complaining that “respawntime is to long”, 10-second wave seems to work perfectly.

I think 5-sec. are enough! ;) :) :)



PostPosted: 12.22.12 
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Zottel wrote:
JRandomNoob wrote:
Other than Zottel complaining that “respawntime is to long”, 10-second wave seems to work perfectly.

I think 5-sec. are enough! ;) :) :)

Yep, considering that allot of players just want to run around it might be especially frustrating for player used to TDM (like Zottel) or them new guys that get killed right after spawning.


PostPosted: 12.22.12 
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ye, but it is ctf and not tdm, without the longer spawntimes it's really hard to grab flags against a defensive team, or counter push, or killing all of them

dunno yet about the helpful tking problem, maybe we will find a way to tell the bot it isn't always bad to tk ...

If I remember about this thing later I guess I'll join up for a little nostalgia (may my 1:40 stats support the growth of the serwer)

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